Alexanders Digital Marketing Christchurch New Zealand
Alexanders Digital Marketing Christchurch New Zealand

Copywriter NZ
Copywriting services

A writer helps improve the effectiveness and persuasion of your written communication, resulting in increased conversions and sales.
Let's talk
Owl flying with roadmap representing instincts insights and direction from Alexanders, a digital marketing agency

Why are copywriting services important?

High competition and noise online means it is increasingly difficult to connect with clients. Writing needs to be compelling, persuasive, and engaging to bring websites, content, and designs alive.
Are you struggling to find enough hours in the day to write, or perhaps writing just isn’t your thing?
A professional writer can articulate words based on your experience and expertise, in an engaging way, from an audience’s perspective. Our writer comes with fresh ideas and an objective perspective.

4 benefits of copywriting services


Saves time

Saves you time and resources, allowing you to focus on other areas of your business.


Builds consistency

Creates a consistent brand voice and message to establish a strong brand identity and build audience trust.


Boosts ranking

Optimises your website content for search engines, to improve your visibility and drive more traffic to your site.



Crafts persuasive content that can influence and persuade an audience to take action.

Eyebrow heading

How do copywriting services help you to connect with clients?

Copywriting services can help you connect with clients by creating persuasive, compelling, and engaging content that captures their attention, communicates your message, and encourages action.
Whether it's through website copy, email campaigns, social media posts, or other forms of digital content, copywriting can help you build trust, establish credibility, and drive sales.

Types of marketing writers

Website writer

A web content writer creates easy to read, engaging, and persuasive content.

Blog writer

Provides valuable information and insights in a conversational and engaging manner to build reader relationships.

Landing page sales funnel copywriter

Converts visitors into customers by providing clear and compelling content about a product or service 
with a clear call to action.

Brand story writer

Creates an emotional connection with the audience by telling a story about the brand, product or service.

Direct response long form sales copywriter

Generates a direct response from the reader, such as a phone call or email.

SEO copywriter

Optimises content for search engines, using keywords to improve visibility and drive traffic.

Technical copywriter

Explains complex technical concepts in a clear and concise manner for a non-technical audience.

Informational copywriter

Educates the reader about a product, service, or topic.

Email Campaign Copywriter

Nurtures people along the sales path by a series of personal, relevant, and valuable emails to build engagement and know, like and trust factor.

What is involved in the copywriting process

Receive client brief & research, paint points
Clarify copy/ check style / tone etc.
Write copy and art direction 
if included
Revisions, feedback and approval
Dispatch final copy to client to implement

Copywriting Services


Stand out with Ad Copywriting

Ad Copywriting works by getting your written content noticed using our proven formula.

  • Resonates a need or problem the reader has, they feel understood.
  • Agitates the problem a little.
  • Introduces a solution - highlights the unique features and benefits of a product or service, speaking directly to these needs and desires.
  • Shows social proof for credibility e.g. testimonials or case studies.
  • Artfully persuades of desired action to be taken.
  • Covers commonly addressed objections.
  • Shows a transition from now to the future, by using this solution offered.

What are the characteristics of a copywriter?

Strong Writing Skills

Needs to have the ability to write clear, compelling, and persuasive text, with excellent grammar, punctuation, style, and tone skills.

Understanding of Marketing and Advertising

Needs to understand marketing and advertising principles to create effective copy and how it is tailored differently to each marketing channel. E.g. social media, web, and emails.

Research and Analytical Skills

Needs to create copy that speaks directly to the target audiences’ needs and desires and use data and analytics to track the effectiveness of their copy and make improvements.

Why choose

Don’t feel like you have to give copywriting a go when it’s just not your ‘thing’. No need to put it off any longer.
Don’t have enough hours in the day as it is, let alone time to write fresh engaging copy?
Not all writers are created equal; find one with Alexanders that gets inside the head of your target audience.

4 writing mistakes to avoid


Focusing too much on features instead of benefits


Using jargon or industry-specific language


Ignoring the target audience’s 


Not proofreading and editing the copy



Make your next impression count.

Take action.
Raise your game.
Book a 20 minute no-obligation introduction call to share where you are at, explore your specific needs, and to discuss if and how Alexanders might help you.
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