Alexanders Digital Marketing Christchurch New Zealand
Alexanders Digital Marketing Christchurch New Zealand

Logo Design Company

Logo design NZ:

Changes in design trends can put your logo’s ability to convey trust and credibility at risk. A fresh design from logo company Alexanders, that resonates positively with your customers, will build connection and attract recognition for your current business focus.

5 triggers for redesigning a company logo

Reposition or change
Is it time to acknowledge a merger or new ownership?
Repair reputation
Is the company image tired or outdated? Chances are design trends have changed since the logo was created.
New ownership
Have you outgrown a cheap online logo design that helped you get started?
Outdated image
Are you expanding but facing obstacles around trademarks or translation?

Do you want to reposition due to a change in focus, or need to repair reputation?

Why logo design is important

Your logo design provides clarity, credibility and cues about capability and scale. Along with your website, it’s a core element of your brand identity that reinforces your professionalism.

When you have only one chance to make a strong impression, brand designers can give you an edge. Done well, your new logo will be recognised and remembered.

Types of logo design


gold line
Our start-up logos are unique, a step up from online logo makers but priced for a new business with limited capital

Logo design

gold line
Custom logos designed from scratch; often for product logos or a new division

Logo refresh

gold line
Minor evolutions with colours, fonts, orientation or slogans to keep a logo current; a popular choice for corporate logos or established brands.
graphic design by creative marketing agency in Christchurch


gold line
A more pronounced change, popular for acquisitions, for repositioning and when logos are long overdue for an update. Retain some visual elements or if you're a challenger brand making a play, make a brave and deliberate departure.

Anniversary Logos

gold line
Visual celebration of a milestones e.g. 20 years in business

Wordmark Logos

gold line
A logo that is font only, i.e. without a symbol or emblem (individual letters may be edited).

Who can design your company logo

Options include freelance graphic designers, online logo services, marketing agencies and brand designers.

While lowest cost is tempting, it can mean low effort, low-brow design that is not unique. For start-ups, that can be attractive. Yet inexperienced graphic designers often make mistakes with legibility, scale and contrast that are annoying and costly to remedy.
The best logo design company is one who takes the time to understand the customer, and its business.

A freelance graphic designer typically has only one skillset. An agency brand designer delivers a more professional standard of design, and is backed by an art director who provides inspiration at creative blocks, confirms winning ideas, shapes the design direction, guides copy, social media and web design to match your brand brief.
Why choose Alexanders?
It’s important to get your logo right and think about the practicalities of its use in the marketplace. Design is not the most expensive part of establishing your brand, especially if you have vehicles, equipment and buildings to sign write. Committing to a low-quality choice costs more in the long run.
Not all graphic designers are created equal. Only a handful of brand designers have passed the mustard with our CEO over 25 years; Rachel is very selective.
By choosing Alexanders for your logo company, you’ll receive a well-considered, stylish logo design, and save time and money as your brand gets rolled out consistently to other elements.
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Logo Design Packages

Brand design services

Branding workshop

Get consensus from your team on what your organisation stands for, relative to competitors. Outcome: brand onion with core message, values etc.

What's Included


Brand Specs

Guidelines of applying brand to signage, templates, documents, website. Can be done in stages as you develop more collateral

$1,500 - 5,000

What's Included

Logo animation

Traditionally, playing games with your name on tv ads was a way to be remembered. Logo animation makes your email signature, website, videos and powerpoint presentations look snazzy and it’s much cheaper than a tv ad!

From $1,800

What's Included

4 business logo design mistakes to avoid

A big icon with small text.

When reduced, or looked at from a distance, text can be illegible

Lacking contrast

Pale colours don’t stand out on light backgrounds

Slogan is too long

This can make placement awkward

Vertical only

Where no horizonal alternative exists, application can be affected – for example, deeper web banners are needed (pushing important information down)

Branding checklist

Is it time for a rebrand or start up that calls for a new company logo? 

Download a handy brand checklist for a list of items you may want to apply it to or update.


Catalyst for growth

Why choose us as your marketing agency?
Logo design provides clarity, credibility and cues about capability and scale. Along with your website, it’s a core element of your brand identity that reinforces your professionalism.

When you have only one chance to make a strong impression, brand designers can give you an edge. Done well, your new logo will be recognised and remembered.

How often do New Zealand companies rebrand?



On average, most NZ businesses rebrand once every 7 years or so. While many factors can trigger the timing, the resulting change helps a maturing business stay relevant.



Make your next impression count.

This is a 20 minute phone, Zoom or Teams conversation with Rachel to get clarity on where you’re at right now, what your project is and what you’d like to accomplish. If the fit is good, the next step is to schedule a one-hour complimentary strategy meeting.
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