Alexanders Digital Marketing Christchurch New Zealand
Alexanders Digital Marketing Christchurch New Zealand

Email marketing agency

Grow your
list and sales with
Email Marketing

Email marketing helps to grow your subscriber list or reactivate customers via engaging, educating, and entertaining content that nurtures them into buyers and fans.
Let's talk

4 reasons to do email marketing

Best bang for buck
Email marketing has the highest ROI (return on investment) of all marketing techniques. You can easily measure:
  • open rates and click-throughs
  • what time and day got the best opens
  • sales generated from emails
  • numbers of new subscribers
  • traffic driven to the website.
Retain your hard-won customers

Many companies get excited by new business and forget that the existing customers have been hard won… after all, it is 5 times as much work to get a new customer than to have repeat work from an existing one.
You might have time to keep in touch with your ‘A’ customers but not your ‘B’ customers… Studies show that 69% of customers leave due to apathy i.e. you’ve done nothing to keep front of mind…

Reactivate and re-engage

Regularly communicating engaging, entertaining, and educating valued content keeps top-of-mind awareness for your brand, product, or service.
It allows you to build relationships and increase your reputation as the authority on your topic, the perceived expert, with your audience.
An email marketing campaign is a cost-effective way to build anticipation, FOMO (fear of missing out), and to reactivate previous customers.

Reduce sales effort with affordable automation

Save time by having your email marketing set up with an autoresponder 24/7, which allows you to scale your business quickly and efficiently without increasing staff effort.
It is very easy and cheap to communicate via automated emails to deliver digital items, engage, or follow up on progress when certain events are triggered.
These automated emails integrate with your sales funnel and/or CRM, nurturing the lead to the next step on the customer journey.
Having a sequence of targeted and personalised automated emails sent to leads and customers will encourage more awareness and consideration of your solution, your product or service, and they are more likely to convert into buyers.


How email marketing works?

Turn web traffic into email leads that you nurture along the customer buying journey, or keep current and past customers engaged.
Paid or email campaign to drive traffic to website or landing page
Offer free gift or download (Lead Magnet)
Follow up with 5-7 emails in a nurturing sequence to build readiness.
Monetise with further calls to action.

Tips for building your email list

Increase traffic to your landing page either organically (search optimisation), with paid social media ads or Google ads.
Collect emails from your existing customer database
• Trade shows – run a competition to get email details Enquiries & Quotes
• Have a freebie download on your website and linked to your social media profile pages (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter & LinkedIn) and as a pinned post
• Run a paid traffic-to-website campaign on Google Ads or Facebook Ads.
Building readiness with email nurture series
These are 5 to 7 prewritten value-packed emails automatically sent out in a timed sequence.
Your first email needs to wow the reader as it is the one with the highest open rates. These can be extra tips & tricks, links to a video, or a PDF.
After this series, they join the database and are included in any e-newsletters or promotional sent out.
The importance of a lead magnet
To grow your email marketing list, offer something incredibly useful and quick to consume in exchange for an email address. This is called a lead magnet.
It can be a checklist cheat sheet, roadmap, or template. This action builds reciprocity with the lead/subscriber which means they are more likely to buy from you when they are ready, or you can move them to the next stage of readiness from your email sequence or downloadable content.
Monetise with a strong offer
Because someone has given you their email address, they are a warm lead. By regular and planned communication, we can warm them up further where they are willing to take the next step.

At Alexanders, we specialise in effective and efficient Email Marketing campaigns, paid ads, email sequences, and web support to set up your downloadable content. If you need some guidance on how to monitise your marketing lists, we would be delighted to discuss this with you.

Lead Nurture /sales/retention

4 types of email marketing


Transactional emails

This an email sent once you book, buy, subscribe, or opt-in for a free item or information to acknowledge your request or purchase. You have either exchanged money or your email address for something of value. These are well used in confirming E-commerce purchases and as a thank-you email for businesses growing leads for marketing lists.


Information emails

A drip email marketing series. 5-7 value-packed emails are sent over the next 10 days that are aimed to take someone with a light level of readiness to become a buyer. The email builds your understanding of why and how things work to build conviction that your brand is the authority before providing stronger calls to action in the fourth or fifth email.


E-newsletter Emails

To let your database know of an event, upcoming sale or product update, and what they need to do to get the discount. This can be a great way to re-engage or reactivate subscribers to get them excited about your product or service again. Including links in your emails can drive more traffic back to your website and into your sales funnel.

Because these people have given you their email addresses, they are interested in what you are offering, and it won’t come across as ‘salesy’ if you let them know of any promotions, deals, or competitions you have going on. After all, we all love a bargain, right?


Promotional email

To understand the customer journey, there are many questions people need to be answered before they’re ready to take the next step in the sales funnel and buy. Each segment of customers will have different drivers. Some will be aware they have a problem they need solving but are not sure how to move forward. This is where you’d create some awareness around how you do this.

Others are interested and know you might have the answer, but they still need some more information. They are still sitting on the fence. The next stage is considering purchasing and are doing a bit or research before buying. This is where your emails can help provide the missing piece, to turn them into buyers.

These emails are to: educate them about how your product or service will help them solve a problem entertain them to keep them engage with them – using a helpful, less corporate, voice since people buy off people. Whether it be a regular email, on-boarding email series or an E-newsletter service you need, we can provide this to our clients so you can save time and money by not taking time away from your chargeable hours.

Email marketing calendar/plan

An email marketing plan saves you time

We’ve all been there. Looking at a flashing cursor while thinking of something to write can be very tricky and off-putting.
It can be hard when you know you need to touch base with your marketing list… if it’s been a while, you don’t want to let the hard work of building up your database to waste but don’t want to come across as pushy or salesy.
     Before your list of leads gets too cold, it helps to have an email strategic marketing plan created. This provides direction and clarity on the topics and themes that you can cover throughout the year based on your yearly sales, business ebbs and flows, and seasonal/regional holidays.

An email marketing plan covers:

  • Who is the intended audience?
  • What content will be covered in the email?
  • When will it be sent – time of day and day of the week?
  • Why are you sending it - what will be the call to action?

You can then track the results and see what worked, or what needs tweaking. We can create a comprehensive customised email marketing plan or calendar for you.

Platform selection

Which email marketing platform to use?

You may be thinking... ‘Which email marketing platform is best?’ or
‘Which system is best for me?’
These are valid questions and can revolve around your CRM system. Forbes Advisor say the best 4 email marketing services for 2022 were:

  • Mailchimp – best for all-in-one marketing
  • Zoho Campaigns – best for fully integrated business suite
  • Drip - best for e-commerce
  • MailerLite – best for selling paid subscriptions

Selecting which platform best suits your needs can be overwhelming. With our experience and expertise, we can help you with this decision.
Alexanders Marketing Agency has found Mailchimp and Zoho Campaigns are the most popular with clients.

Get moving.
Streamline setup with the right platform.

Let's talk
Step it up

How does a drip email campaign work?

Email campaigns are set up via an email management software or platform, which often have a CRM system integrated. These vary in price, starting from free and depend on how many subscribers you have and how many campaigns you want to send out.  A drip email marketing series of 5-7 value-packed emails are sent over the next 10 days and are aimed to take someone with a light level of readiness to become a buyer.  These are pre-written and a sequence designed to be triggered once an action or event happens on your website.

Email Marketing Services

email marketing agency pricing

Why choose Alexanders?
Alexanders has been involved in marketing for 25 years. Email marketing is the foundation of any digital marketing strategy. We are passionate about all things related to digital marketing and automation, and we take satisfaction in streamlining business communication processes.

Why use us as your email marketing specialist?



Digital marketing changes very quickly. It is our job to keep up with the latest trends, so that you don’t have to. By having Alexanders to support your email marketing, you can save time that you can spend working in your genius zone.
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