Alexanders Digital Marketing Christchurch New Zealand
Alexanders Digital Marketing Christchurch New Zealand

User experience Christchurch

User experience agency
Transform website results

By improving your website layout, copy and flow, a UX consultant helps to remove friction points which dramatically improve conversions – without necessarily involving a rebuild.
Let's talk

Here are 5 good reasons why companies seek to improve the user experience of websites:

Only about 3% of visitors to websites are ready to purchase or enquire right now, on average. That leaves 97% of visitors on the table, who are interested, and could be tempted. High performing websites get an enquiry or purchase rate of 6% or even 10%. User experience can be the difference that squeezes more leads from your current traffic, avoiding the need to spend more money on expensive advertising.
For many established organisations, replacing an existing website is too big a project to undertake now, so moderate improvements to improve UX are a way to be progressive, without the need to completely reinvent the system. Maybe the site is a few years old but not dead yet, there are other priorities for capital expenditure, or perhaps your platform really is an aching dinosaur. Improvements in user experience can drive growth through efficiencies, even in lean times.
Websites are not like brochures – done and dusted when they go to print. Improving outcomes by up to 25% can be achieved with user experience improvements, as a kind of “continuous improvement.” With Analytics data, heat maps and CRM data capture, there is gold in ‘dem ’dere pixels, if you’re prepared to hunt for it.
You may have a person on your team with web management skills. I find they are often keen for some guidance and to develop their skill set. Engaging an expert user experience designer can yield an action list that they may be able to execute much of inhouse, with some programming support. It makes sense to leverage your internal resources and grow your team’s knowledge and confidence.
Your website may have been designed a few years ago in a way that was state of the art at that time. With each passing year, more is understood about what design features and techniques generate results. A user experience designer can help to integrate more modern features into your website, to extend its life and keep it working hard.

What’s included when making user design improvements to websites?

Examples of what’s included when making user experience improvements to websites range from:
Ensuring there is a clear journey for different groups of customers with unique needs, so they can quickly get to see the range that is relevant with a minimum of clicks. Many websites revolve around product ranges. Reviewing how the site delivers to customers at different trigger points gives a whole new perspective on how you may be able to better address their needs.
Designing the experience for mobile should not be a mere extension of your desktop experience. The mobile experience requires more succinct messages and layouts that are friendly to thumbs.
Creating intuitive layouts that flow naturally, based on an understanding of a visitor’s readiness. Your website should seamlessly lead visitors through the funnel by answering questions that equip and incentivise them with the knowledge and answers they need to move forward.
Providing clear and obvious calls to action, and possibly a secondary step for those not ready to reach out right now. This could include more current ways to get in touch such as LiveChat or Messenger.
Clear navigation that makes it easy to find content – often informed by the most visited pages.

What are the steps to improve user experience of websites?

Insights & Analysis

Insights may range from profiling customers and what each group needs to know or do, then assessing how well the site makes it easy for each group to find these outcomes; getting access and reviewing the behaviour flow/most visited/exited pages to reveal any poor performing pages with high exit rate that might have easy fixes; understanding how visitors for different keywords arrive on the site, their intentions, and whether related questions are covered in the content; evaluating customer journeys and touchpoints, to uncover any blocks or bottlenecks.


Based on principles of user experience design, provide a set of recommendations and highlight priorities. Budget for each stage.

Jointly implementing each stage, with optional A/B page testing.
Tracking and observing results

What are the costs of improving user experience on websites?

Costs range from $2,000 a month for three months to $20,000 depending on if you need a user experience consultant to make recommendations, implement design changes, test and measure or continue with ongoing reporting.
What are some examples of what user experience consulting has delivered?  Up to 25% increase in conversions without needing to rebuild a site.

What is unique about your ability to deliver user experience improvements?

With over 30 years of marketing, design & web experience with a passion for transforming results and monitoring Analytics, Rachel draws on a wealth of experience of what has worked – and what hasn’t - from multiple perspectives. Using a ux consultant brings another whole perspective to how you can refine your website and results.

User experience (UX) agency reviews


Shape the next reaction.

Make your next
impression count
Book a 20 minute no-obligation introduction call to share where you are at, explore your specific needs, and to discuss if and how Alexanders might help you.
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