Alexanders Digital Marketing Christchurch New Zealand
Alexanders Digital Marketing Christchurch New Zealand

How does Content
marketing work?

It works by answering questions, establishing expertise, brand awareness, as well as educating and answering objections. Which means more prospects are ready to engage, shop or provide contact details in exchange for more content.

By being strategic about your content creation, it will be easier to create topics that engage - saving you time!
content marketing companies

Content Marketing Examples

Often you can repurpose content on different platforms to save you some time as it's not always easy to come up with topics that will engage your customers let alone find the time to write the content.


You write a blog about a problem, introduce a solution, explain advantages and options, provide ballpark costs and rebuke common myths. 

E-Book Download

Link to “download your free e-book” in exchange for email contact details. You create a social media ad or campaign to promote the blog.


You host a webinar and send an email invitation to your contact list to attend.


You create an explainer video that drives people to sign up for a trial via your website.

5 top reasons to have a content marketing strategy:

It helps with SEO. Fresh content that thoroughly addresses a topic and neatly answers related questions is a proven way to get your website to the top of the rankings.
Brand Awareness
To boost brand awareness. This broadens your reach beyond search, introducing people to your brand at the early part of their buyer journey.
Lead Generation
To boost brand awareness. This broadens your reach beyond search, introducing people to your brand at the early part of their buyer journey.
Customer Journey
To move people through the funnel to a closer stage of readiness, from awareness through to interest or desire.
Perceived Expert
It elevates your business as an expert in its field to turn readers into customers.

Why use a content marketing specialist?

Having expert guidance to detail meaningful topics that your audience will want to read and share.
Reduce Overwhelm
To reduce the feeling of overwhelm so that you can tick off your content strategy to-do list faster.
To remove the fear of producing ad hoc content under time pressure. With a structured guide, you will start your day with confidence, knowing what topic you need to prepare and when.
To gain efficiencies in adding SEO knowledge to your content marketing, rather than have them operate in silos. Content marketing is a strategic place to include long tail and competitive keyword phrases.
Engagement & Monetise
To grow your capability with feedback on your writing that identifies simple changes you can implement that improve engagement and monetise content.

Content Marketing Packages


How much does a Content Marketing Strategy cost?

The elements of a content marketing strategy will include understanding your target audience and/customer personas, the problems you solve for them. This then decides what content topics and keywords will be used, what formats and social media channels you will use, and how this content will be organised, planned, and tracked.

Content Marketing Strategy

Suits business owners and administrators. Intuitive guidance to work through triggers, motivations and topics as well as related keywords to connect content with social with search.

Time commitment: 4x 1.5 hour sessions (online or in person in Chch)


What's Included

Content Strategy Template

Suits marketing executives. Content Marketing Strategy planning template and guide.



Catalyst for growth

Why choose Alexanders?
Guidance based on thorough knowledge of copywriting techniques, conversion tactics, trendy graphic design, and what has worked for our clients.

Custom made content ideas on niches with creativity (we have an in-house team dedicated to this!) 

With our 26 solid marketing experience in marketing, you'll get informed and effective content marketing strategy .

Who are some of the clients we’ve
created strategy for?



Make your next impression count.

Take action.
Raise your game.
Book a 20 minute no-obligation introduction call to share where you are at, explore your specific needs, and to discuss if and how Alexanders might help you.
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