Alexanders Digital Marketing Christchurch New Zealand
Alexanders Digital Marketing Christchurch New Zealand


Results-focused App Developers

Our app developers have completed projects for a variety of businesses and can help you reach a global audience or create a tailor-made private app just for your business network. In 2024, the average user spent 4 hours 37 mins per day on their phone and opened 10 apps daily. Among youth, most time is spent watching movies or videos, followed closely by gaming, social media and browsing websites. Companies are leveraging smartphone reliance to benefit their businesses.

App Services

iOS & Android developers

Our app team can develop in iOS, Android or both.

Database designers & builders

Many apps work best based on a good database, but database developers are rare. You’ve hit a home run. Ensure your database design is structured well and syncs effortlessly with our database designers.

Ongoing support keeps app current

The launch of the App doesn’t mean our work has ended. We will support you for the following two years, ensuring that after every operating update, your app continues to function without problems on smartphones of the future, new products are added and it continues to look and feel fresh.

App marketing company

Build awareness and drive downloads. We will share insights about successful app marketing strategies and campaigns to build app downloads.

Explore your idea

Got an idea for a mobile app you want to discuss? Talk to us about what you are trying to achieve. Most apps range between $15k and $50k to develop.

Avoid scope creep

If you want to go forward and you agree to our proposal and brief, we will then manage the project and work hard to keep your enthusiasm in check, reducing the possibility of scope-creep and budget blow-outs. it’s important to consider future wish lists in order to keep it scalable.

Senior expertise with a junior price tag

With Roger having worked full time in Argentina alongside designers and app builders (iOS and Android developers), for a Standard & Poors company, we are delighted to continue this longstanding working relationship. All planning and client interaction is handled in Christchurch web and app design studio, while we can bring you senior expertise at a competitive rate for development done by our two Spanish speaking developers and BA-based app designer.

Full-service mobile app design

Planners, designers, iOS and Android developers, database builders, marketers under one roof!


The Mob Star app

“We are a large stud deer farm and were really frustrated with the app’s available out there with regards to stock movement tracking and feed allocation at a mob level. It came to a point where we decided that we could get an app custom made to suit our needs. I approached Alexanders and explained my brief, and with that they created an outstanding application that exceeded our needs. They were very understanding, patient and thorough and also went way beyond their original quote with regards to building this app. Now we have a digital map of our farm where we can simply create mobs, move them with ease, add feeders (and delete easily) and its super easy to use. I would recommend to any other farmers who run a complex large scale operation to try this product out. If your not a farmer but have a tricky situation that seems impossible to resolve with regards to apps/web development or marketing in general, I’m sure Alexanders will find a way and do a great job. Regards, Mark Tapley – Peel Forest Estate”

case study 2

The Paslode nail app

Paslode is a global brand, and the bee knees when it comes to nail guns for builders and fencing contractors. A challenge for builders is identifying the right nail for each job, because of the wide range of situations and applications. Alexanders helped Paslode create an app that tells the builder which nail is needed for each task and job site depending on the model of their nail gun, so they can specify the correct nail which works with their model when ordering from Placemakers etc. We also included service centre advice. This was build for Android and Apple devices.Talk to us about your vision for you app project.

case study 3

The Best Wool Carpets app

We were approached by NZMR to recreate an Android App for a European sales conference. Despite the tight time-frame, we delivered as promised on time and budget.

“Alexanders were great to work with. We had a very tight deadline, which they met easily. Communication was easy, they responded promptly and kept me in the loop as they were progressing. Highly recommend.” – Hollie Woodhouse NZMR

Catalyst for growth

Why choose Alexanders?
From the initial design through to completion, we will liaise with you each step of the way to ensure your project stays “on point” and on budget.
Perhaps you have a tech team already and don’t need the whole shebang. That’s no problem. We are team players. Let’s discuss how our teams can work together.
Don’t bet your future on fly-by-nighters. Alexanders will be around to support you – hey we’ve been around for 21 years already!

How do we test the app forfore it goes on the app store?



First there’ll be planning reviews where you can check our wire-frames and mocks (your last chance for major changes) and then its heads down for the iOS and Android developers until a working demo can be tested. We will send instructions on how to supply your UDID codes from each smartphone for testing. We can send you a link to upload the app onto your phone. This is to test functionality before the app looks “cool”. If we’re all happy, then the designers get to work producing that smooth look and feel that you’ve always imagined. Finally, we get some volunteers to stress-test the app privately, before getting your sign-off to release it into market and beyond – that is if it’s for a public release.


Time to explore
your next move?

Next starts now.

03 348 8477
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