

Find out
what issues are

holding you back on Google

Google keeps moving the goalposts. SEO Christchurch specialist, Rachel Alexander helps to shape your game plan to keep your website match-ready.  Discover what is holding your site back on Google with Alexanders, an SEO Agency in Christchurch. 

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the process of increasing your traffic, ranking and visibility to bring your brand to the attention of people searching online for products, services, pricing and answers. 

What is GEO?

Now there's also "GEO" or generative engine optimisation, to help you cue AI engines like ChatGPT to include your brand in their recommendations. 


How will seo help your business?

Search engine marketing is still the number one way brands are discovered in 2024, but generative AI is rising rapidly (we use it to keep competitive). Our seo specialist will help your seo to adapt to generative ai, to bring your brand to the attention of people who have not heard of you but are in the market for your products or services. 

SEO builds a steadier pipeline of leads that, done well can drive significant growth. Perhaps you have ridden a big wave and are in a position to sleuth out sustainable tactics that will keep the momentum? Or perhaps revenue has been patchy. It’s disconcerting when the universe doesn’t bring about the results or consistency we anticipated.

Working with Alexanders, an SEO agency in Christchurch, generating new business becomes more efficient and predictable, so you can spend more time doing business and less time hunting for it. Or set up your business so it runs without you!

Advantages of search optimisation


Stop losing customers to your competitors; outsmart them online


Reach your sales targets sooner without the need to hire extra staff.


Expand your reach. Stimulate demand for new products & services from new customers in new locations.


Improve your visibility and website ranking for new products and a broader range of keywords.

Christchurch SEO Services

Generative Engine Optimisation GEO

More and more people are using Chat GPT and other generative engines to search. Helping to cue AI-engines like ChatGPT, Bard etc is called "GEO" or generative engine optimisation. A recent study looking at what factors ChatGPT and Bard use to rank sites, showed that the inclusion of brand mentions in “10 best…” articles, statistics, numbered lists, linking out to your source, “fluency optimisation” (making sure readability scores are strong - no complex language), as well as adding a few technical words to show you know your stuff, are helpful.

Voice SEO

With the rise of smart phone push-to-talk assistants and home assistant devices like Amazon’s Alexa, voice searches will shortly outweigh typed queries. Voice queries have a different syntax to typed questions. Around half of all internet users use voice search.  Including succinct answers to questions and audio/video helps your content to get discovered.

Ecommerce & shopping search

Correct structuring of ecommerce products and categories, and how you set up your merchant centre feed can make a big difference to how your products are displayed in search and your volume of clicks. Learn from our G-shopping expert.


Low volume words can still be powerful if you are a wholesale or B2B company. With higher order values, new leads are more influential – even if they are fewer and farther between. These phrases are often less contested, cheaper, and easier to rank on.

International SEO

It can be complicated when you need to rank or present a different product range for different countries and in different languages. No one wants to find success has been hindered through simple domain suffix or duplicate content mistakes. International seo opens doors, but needs to be navigated with caution. Our seo consultants know the tricks to avoiding penalties and ranking in Australia and internationally. We also have specialist expertise for China.

Local SEO

Local SEO means ranking for searches in your local area. This includes having a good Google My Business listing with your hours and directions, ranking for product phrases that include your city, and appearing on Android and Apple Maps. Consistent formatting of address, behind the scenes snippets and customer reviews send signals to customers and Google alike that you’re open for business.

Wordpress SEO

Yes our seo services in Christchurch definitely cover Wordpress SEO. We have worked on a variety of themes including Elementor, Divvy and Oxygen. There’s so much more to Wordpress SEO than using a plugin!  

Digital marketing agency Christchurch account manager catching money from a sales funnel

How does seo improve sales?

The more highly ranked your site is in the search results, the more traffic you will get. The top organic (natural) listing gets approximately 37% of clicks; the number two approx. 17%, and so on. 
If your keyword gets 1,000 people a month and you are number two, you’ll get approximately 170 visits to your website a month. 
If through SEO you move to number one, you’ll get around 370 visits a month. 

Providing your content delivers a good experience, your enquiry or sell rate should go up commensurate with the increase in traffic. 
If your traffic improves, but your lead enquiry remains stagnant, then either the keyword needs adjusting or your content needs attention.

How does SEO work?


Keywords & crawling

Search bots regularly crawl specific fields in your website and create a database of which phrases and themes it addresses. 
When someone types in that keyword, the bots first check the database to see who has that keyword phrase in their site. The bots also know what other phrases and questions are used by people looking across competitor sites on the same topic. So they also assess if your page includes any of these other related or “semantic” phrases.

Bot scoring

The bots assess how well your content covers this theme, based on how long people spend on your page, whether people take actions like purchase or submitting an enquiry, or whether the visitor leaves your page to do another search.

Data points

The bots also check how quickly your site downloads, how many people follow your social media pages, and make a guess at how good your content is based on shares or links back to your page.

SEO results

SEO works through carefully selecting phrases that match the content and user intentions, cueing Google on which phrases we want our site shown for. Climbing position is done through improving content so it informs and persuades, making the content faster to download, and helping people find the content through references on other sites.

Steps to SEO

SEO site checkup
Find out your website’s SEO status – if it’s been optimised (and how well), your website’s trust score, speed score, and if you are ranking for the main phrases. What score does Google give your site?
Keyword strategy
Discover what your competitors are up to. Determine which keywords your customers are using to search. Which words are achievable now and which will you come back to later? What is your baseline score? Our seo consultant will work out which pages to optimise and what tactics to prioritise.
SEO Strategy
Get a custom plan outlining your SEO priorities for each quarter.
Discover the stages & steps in onsite and offsite optimisation, milestones, and timeframes. Find out if you have matching pages for the keywords and if your website is set up to measure results, or if new pages or content edits are required.
Implementation sales effort with affordable automation
We’ll set up tags and goals so success is tracked. Your website gets tuned, while we help Google understand what words to display your website for.  Learn about SEO issues affecting your site while we work to resolve them. Watch as your position and traffic build.
Uncover which words your competitors rank on and what they’ve done to get there.
Track where you are ranking, how your visibility is improving and what real results can be attributed to search.
Performance actions : Having good ranking and traffic is no good if it isn’t increasing sales and enquiries.  What design and content tweaks will turn more visitors into customers? At what point are visitors leaving? Stem the flow with web improvement sometimes also called Conversion Rate Optimisation.

How much is seo marketing?

It’s important to get SEO services that work for your business — and budget. Corporate SEO ranges from $2600 to $5000 a month. Ecommerce seo ranges from $899 month for startups to $3,000 for an intensive burst. Company seo ranges from $1,000-$3,000 month. 

Many web developers include a nominal monthly fee in their hosting for “search optimisation services.” Seriously? Professional seo services cannot be done for $50 a month! If you’ve been called by an international company guaranteeing you a page one position for $50 a month, then you really need to talk to Rachel, our SEO Christchurch expert. Most of the time, it’s for a word that has almost no traffic (no value) or your brand (for which you will usually rank number one anyway!).

Do I have to keep paying for SEO?

You do need to reach a certain critical mass, at which point you can pause for a few months. In non-competitive industries, this can sometimes be achieved in eight months. Pausing for two years could lose you serious traction.

If your competitors are active with SEO, you will be overtaken. 
Just like we used to have to pay every year to be in Yellow Pages, so we need to maintain our position in search engine rankings. 

Once you know you are ranking well, you can turn your attention to squeezing more leads from the traffic you already get. But rest on your laurels, and your competitors who keep up with changing algorithms will gain ground. SEO is the most transformative strategy of my 30-year marketing career.

What does an SEO agency do?

Our SEO Christchurch team use tools and experience to determine and implement your seo priorities, evaluate your site’s speed, ranking, and competitor activity to find opportunities for you to grow online.

An inexperienced SEO consultant or inhouse marketer might let you pick the keywords, without checking if these are achievable to rank on. Some phrases will be high traffic but some of these could be too hotly contested and you’ll never rank for them.  Waste of effort and dosh! Our Christchurch SEO team does the number crunching to assess which ones are worth going for. 

Find out your SEO score

Let's talk
Book a 20 minute no-obligation introduction call to share where you are at, explore your specific needs, and to discuss if and how Alexanders might help you.

Why use an SEO agency?

SEO is a highly technical topic. It is both art and science. Under-estimate the work involved, and you’ll get disappointing results. Most marketers don’t have time to keep up with technical seo, and all of Google’s algorithm changes. 

You want to know it's working! A good SEO agency will ensure goals and tags are set up, provide reports on what needs to be improved on your site, make ongoing tweaks to your current site, monitor ranking and fix crawl errors. Most SEO agencies also prepare new content regularly which could be a mix of blogs, videos, directory listings and powerful content that generates trusted backlinks.

With help from your SEO agency, you can transform your website from a “brochure” site into a lead generation star that works 24/7 – generating leads while you sleep.

SEO Packages

Why choose an SEO agency in Christchurch?
Regardless of where you are based, North Island, South Island or Australia, you shouldn’t get outdated SEO because your web developer’s lecturer was out of touch with recent techniques.  No one wants to be ripped off by a professional SEO agency who hasn’t ensured important changes have been implemented on your website because they don’t understand programming.

What’s the point in juniors optimising your website with a flawed strategy? Or in risking scammy international backlinks which could destroy your website’s online reputation?

Don’t be overwhelmed by SEO specialist know-it-alls. At Alexanders, we’ll help you learn and understand what’s involved, and why we’re doing it. We are more than just a Christchurch SEO company. We are also your coach!

We have web developers, so you can rest assured that the technical changes and tags have been correctly implemented. We also work on Google Ads, finding extra winning ideas to cross-populate with SEO. With over 10 years experience in SEO, Rachel will guide you on any quick wins, and opportunities that enable you to get an edge, even in competitive environments.

Accessing expert SEO services, Christchurch in person or online from other locations,  you'll build your SEO know how. Learn the steps, and what needs tuning in your web content to improve your position in search results.

Who SEO works for?

SEO works for small, medium and large companies. Larger companies can achieve surprising growth. However, some categories are more searched online than others. And some popular words are fiercely contested. Smaller companies can find opportunities such as “long tail keywords” which are niche phrases that – whilst they have lower traffic - are less competitive.

SEO works for 95% of companies, but occasionally the keyword research reveals that it’s a low-volume category or in some cases, that the high-traffic keywords are big brands (e.g. health insurance). Many business owners under-estimate the amount of category research done prior to purchase.

Our experience with SEO across a wide range of industries means we see common patterns in search phrasing. This means we are good at finding opportunities to help you steal market share. Not sure if people search for your products online? Book in for the complimentary 30 minute meeting and let’s do some SEO checks to find out. The data will soon show us if SEO is an avenue worth pursuing.

SEO is still the main way people discover new brands. 59% of a decision is made before a person contacts a company.


There’s no point investing in your website if it can’t be found. Avoid a paid media war and grow your company with SEO Christchurch experts, Alexanders. 

Next starts now!
Be next. 
Book a 20 minute no-obligation introduction call to share where you are at, explore your specific needs, and to discuss if and how Alexanders might help you.

Check your website SEO score

Find out which issues are holding you back on Google

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